Jack Sazamana, the freshman strapped on a set of cheap plastic goggles, said that “The buildings weren’t even up yet, so it was nice to get a sense of what it would look like.
So what does that mean?
You’ll now have to take the first look at your next house by just a View-Master-like headset also referred to as virtual realty (VR). A lot of people will benefit from it the future the way we all benefit from the Internet today.
Buyers and real estate agents were afraid of technology back in the beginning. Today, people have learned to take advantage of the internet to do business transactions and business process.
Gene Munster, a Twin Cities tech analyst and investor said that “It is a foregone conclusion that we’ll be evaluating real estate this way in the future.” He sees that virtual realty will become one of the most significant tools to use just like the internet for the real estate industry.
There are many good things about virtual realty for us to use in the real estate industry. For example, we can have 360-degree room views that we can’t usually see on traditional images. It will provide more comprehensive appearance on every surface of the interior.
Cathy Lawton, who wasn’t even seriously shopping when she was cruising through a national property listing site last summer said that “Pictures are just pictures, but when you can spin around inside those rooms, you can really get a good feel for what that house is like.”
Source: http://www.startribune.com/